Welcome to the Central Defence Agency’s Transferee Training!

I will be conducting today’s training.

This training session lasts around 20 minutes.

If I’m speaking too fast or slow, let me know.


Let’s start with the commands we use within CDA.

(FTF) Fill The Front - Sit at the front desks to recruit people.

(FTB) Fill The Back - Sit at the back where you may AFK.

(FTS) Fill The Security - Sit at the security station and let workers in.

(BTB) Back To Base - Return to base.

(CTH) Clear The Hallway - Move out of the hallway or sit elsewhere.

(ATT) Attention - When told this, stand, wave, and say “Yes, Sir/Ma'am”.

(AE) At Ease - You are allowed to sit.

Do you have any questions?

Wait for them to answer.


Now we move on to our basic rules.

1. Harassment towards anyone within CDA is not allowed.

2. Do not ask for Room Rights or Promotions.

3. Coloured chat is allowed, but not red or themed chat.

4. Double-jobbing is not allowed and results in dismissal.

5. Only let SV or workers into HQ via FTF.

6. Idling on FTF is not permitted.

7. Always follow the Habbo way.

8. Listen to Superiors.

9. Always wear the appropriate badge and motto.

10. Poaching members from other agencies is not allowed.

11. You must have your profile visible.

Any questions so far?

Wait for the Trainees response before continuing.


Now, we’ll cover your duties as a CDA member.

You’ll Fill The Front and recruit new members.

To recruit, ask them to change their motto to: [CDA] Recruit.

They must then join the CDA Main ID.

Ensure they favourite the badge before continuing.

Once favourited, use the command to let them in.

The Employee ID is located in the main lobby of the base.

Any questions?

Wait for them to answer.


Now, I’ll teach you how to use the Security station.

This station is called FTS.

When a member or recruit arrives at Security, check their Badge and Motto.

If they are a member:

1. Go to the portal:

2. Click the ‘members’ tab.

3. Click “Security Search.”

4. Type the user’s name in the search bar.

The result will be “Approved” or “Denied.”

Use code :gate

to let the user into the second security section.

If approved, use code :base

to let them into the base.

If denied, use code :deny

to send them back to the lobby.

If they are a Recruit:

1. Ensure their Badge and Motto are correct.

2. If correct, use code :training to send them to training.

Any questions?

Wait for them to answer.


Now we’ll move on to training recruits.

Use code ':training' to send a recruit to training.

Open the Training Gate with code ':gate'.

Ask the recruit to use the teleport.

Use code ':gate' to close the gate behind them.

In the hallway, use code ':inuse' when entering the training room.

Use code ':open' when you exit the training room.

Once in the Training room, pull up the Training Script.

Find the script on the CDA website or search

Copy and paste the script, but do not copy red words.

Any questions?

Wait for them to answer.


Now we’ll cover promoting members.

You cannot promote someone in your division..

You can only promote those below your division.

Both you and the member must be online for 30+ minutes before promotion.

To promote someone:

1. Go to the portal:

2. Click “members.”

3. Type the username of the member to promote.

4. If eligible, ATT the member and praise them.

5. Inform them of their new motto.

Find the motto on the portal after clicking “PROMOTE.”

Copy and paste the motto.

Tell them to “Keep up the good work.”.

Ensure you confirm the promotion on the portal before proceeding..

Reminders for promoting:

1. Both promoter and promotee must be filling a station for 30 mins.

2. You can only promote the same person twice.

3. Observe a 3-minute interval between promotions by an individual.

Any questions?

Wait for them to answer.


I will now give you a quiz on what we’ve covered today.

Are you ready?

Wait for them to answer.

What does FTF mean?

Answer: Fill The Front.p>

Please state 3 CDA rules.?

Answer: Any of the 11 CDA rules.

When a Recruit reaches the Security Station, what do you do?

Answer: Open the gate and send them to training..

Where do you find the training script??

Answer: On the website |

Which CDA members can’t you promote?.

Answer: Those in the same division or higher.


Unfortunately, you have failed the Transferee Training.

Would you like to retake the training?

Wait for reply and follow accordingly


Congratulations on passing the Transferee Training!

Here’s some information you need to know:

Pay is hosted at 12am, 1am, 6am, 7am, 12pm, 1pm, 6pm, and 7pm UK time.

You must FTF for one hour after the pay hour starts to be eligable for pay.

You may also claim 2 hours of Bonus Pay every 24 hours(out of pay times).

To file for an LOA (Leave of Absence), find the logs on the portal.

Please give at least 7 days' notice for LOA.

Do you have any questions about this information?

Wait for reply.

Okay, all the information is on our web!

Let's head back to base.