Congratulations and welcome to Security training!!

The Security division is crucial for processing members through Security.

Your role is to determine if a member goes to Lobby, Base, or Training.

There will be a test at the end. Pay attention and take notes if needed..

Do you have any questions before we begin?

Wait for the Trainees response before continuing.


Now, we will cover operating the Security station, known as “FTS” (Fill The Security).

The commands you will use are '':training', '':deny', and '':base'..

Demonstrate how to operate the station and the commands that send a member to Lobby,

Base, or Training.

There are five key points to remember when using FTS:

Always have the Portal open when at FTS.

Never allow anyone into the base without a proper Security Check unless approved by Ownership+.

Send the member to the correct area: Lobby, Training, or Base.

If someone is mistakenly sent to Security from FTF, always send them back to Lobby.

Treat the Security area seriously—CDA safety is a priority!

Any questions?

Wait for the Trainees response before continuing.


To perform a security search, open the portal and click Security Search.

When prompted, type in their username.

If it says “Denied”, do not allow them into the base. Use command :.deny.

If the search result is "Denied" but they have [CDA] Cadet in their motto and Main ID badge,

proceed to send them to training with

If it says “Approved” and they have the correct Badge and Motto, send them in using :.base.

Always perform a Security Search on anyone before letting them in!

Any questions?

Wait for the Trainees response before continuing.


We will now begin the test. You must pass this test to work in the Security Division.

For this test, demonstrate the correct actions for each scenario I give you. Good luck!

Commands for the following situations:

1) A Habbo with Main ID badge and motto [CDA] Recruit:


2) A member with Main ID and motto [CDA] Cadet I is sent to Security. Where should you send them?

Answer: :.base

3) A Habbo was sent to Security by mistake but claims they work at CDA. What do you do?

Answer: They are trolling, :.deny

4) Perform a Security Search on: Keelan. Where should you send them?

Answer: :.base

If the Trainee does not pass, ask them if they would like to go back over the training and test them again. If they don't , log it as failed and return back to base. The Security Trainee has passed if they answer three out of four questions correctly. If they pass: Log the training session. Ensure the Trainee updates their motto to reflect their new role as a Security member.

Congratulations! You have passed and are now a member of the Security division.

Please change motto to: [CDA] Junior Officer [Your Tag]

Wait for the change of motto.

Lets BTB so i can show you how to work Security Stations.