Hello, welcome to the official Central Defence Agency Cadet Training Session!

I am [username] and I will be your trainer today. Address me as Sir/Ma'am [choose].

This training will take around 10 to 15 minutes.

Please do not AFK during this session. If needed, let me know.

I recommend paying full attention and taking notes, but it's optional.

There will be a test at the end. If I'm going too fast or slow, let me know.


We will start by discussing your role within the CDA.

Your role is to Fill The Front (FTF) desks and recruit people.

If someone new wants to join, instruct them to:

Join and wear CDA's main badge.

Change their motto to: [CDA] Recruit

We do not have a uniform policy. Wear whatever you want in base.

Any questions before we begin the training?

Wait for the trainee's response before continuing.


I will now cover the important commands you need for CDA.

Fill The Front (FTF): Sit at the front desks to recruit or assist people.

Fill the Back (FTB): Sit on the back seats, and feel free to AFK or BRB.

AFK means Away From Keyboard. BRB means Be Right Back.

Fill The Security (FTS): Sit at the security station and let workers in.

Back To Base (BTB): Return to base as soon as possible.

Clear The Hallway (CTH): Move out of the hallway, and quickly find a seat.

Attention (ATT): When given, do three things:

Stand and face the person who ATT-ed you.

Wave by typing o/.

Say "Yes, Sir/Ma'am". (Ask if unsure)

At Ease (AE): You can sit after being given this command.

Let’s practice! When I say ATT, demonstrate it!

Cadet, ATT!

Wait until the trainee practices before proceeding.

Cadet, AE!

Do you have any questions on the commands before we continue?

Wait for the trainee's response before continuing.


Now, I will cover the CDA rules.

You must have your profile visible at all times.

Asking for pay, promotion, or rights is NOT permitted.

Self-promoting and double jobbing are NOT allowed.

AFK or BRB is not allowed at Fill The Front (FTF).

To avoid this, press space then enter, wave by typing "o/", or send welcome messages.

Beware: CDA does not allow Auto Type/Click. Using these can lead to consequences.

Coloured chat is allowed EXCEPT for RED unless allowed by an iC.

Respect other agency coloured chat rules.

Poaching members from other agencies is NOT allowed.

Always follow Habbo rules.

Always wear the correct badge and motto while in CDA base.

Only let authorised members into CDA base. Never let non-members in.

Any questions about the CDA rules?

Wait for the trainee's response before continuing.


Next, we will cover CDA’s Strike System.

If a CDA employee breaks any rules, they will receive warnings and strikes.

An employee can have a maximum of 3 strikes before being fired.

First infraction: Verbal Warning. Aims to prevent further rule breaks.

Second infraction: Logged Warning.

Third infraction: Strike 1.

Fourth infraction: Strike 2. Demotion occurs here.

Fifth infraction: Strike 3. Results in dismissal or firing.

If dismissed, the person must wait at least 3 weeks to return.

Any questions about the strike system?.

Wait for the trainee's response before continuing.


We have reached the most important part of the session: the test!

Failing the test means retaking the training. I hope you've been attentive.

Remember, there’s NO rush. Best of luck!

If there are 2 or more trainees:

Use the 'whisper' function during the test.

Do you know how to use the whisper function?

If not, please teach them how to whisper answers to you.

If you have questions before the test, ask now.

Wait for the trainee's response before continuing.

What does the command FTF mean?

What does the command CTH mean?

If there are 2 or more trainees:

Whisper 3 CDA rules to me.

If there is only 1 trainee:

Tell me 3 CDA rules.

If someone wants to join CDA, what two things must they do?

If an employee receives their third strike, would they be dismissed? (Yes/No)

Demonstrate the ATT and AE commands.

[Cadet’s Username], ATT!

Ensure they perform ATT correctly before proceeding.

[Cadet’s Username], AE!

Wait for the trainee's response before continuing.


For cadets who failed (3/7 and below):

I'm sorry, but you failed the CDA training today. Do you wish to retake it?

If they wish to retake the session, proceed accordingly.

For recruits who passed (4/7 or above):.

Congratulations! You are now an official CDA member.

You are required to sign up to our Portal, this is how you will claim your pay.

Change your motto to: CDA-Portal

Wait for the motto to be changed. LOG TRAINING BEFORE THEY REGISTER

Great, now please head to > click 'Links' > click 'Portal'.

You will need to register. Let me know when you have done this.

Wait for trainee's response before continuing.

Thanks! Change your motto to: [CDA] Cadet I [Trainer’s Tag]

Pay times are as follows: 12am/12pm, 1am/1pm, 6am/6pm, 7am/7pm

You may also claim 2 Bonus Pays every 24 hours(out of pay times).

Well done! Congratulations on passing the test and welcome to the CDA family.

For more information, visit our website:

It’s highly encouraged to join our CDA Discord.

To claim bonus pays, you will need Discord.

To join, visit our website. This is under 'Links'.

Any more questions?

Wait for the trainee's response before continuing.

Let’s BTB for a quick tour of the base!

Once they BTB, show them around if needed.

Ensure they joined the Discord group if they wanted to.